Have you ever noticed a website look different on your laptop and on your phone?
Different devices have different widths or viewports; which means that our designs
might not look cool on every device. (Check out the welcome page of this website on
your phones to see what I mean!)
But we are designers and we are smart- we can make our designs adjustable to different
devices, also called 'responsive design'.
How can you make your design responsive?
My #1 tip is to always use a flex display. Flex boxes are usually
already responsive and do the work for you.
Another general tip is to use the dev tools from Chrome. Right click and use the
inspect option. You can then change the width of the viewport
and see how your webpage looks on different devices.
The advanced trick is to make completely
different designs for different viewports using @media query.
Here's your challenge:
Show items in a row on wider screens and in a column on smaller screens.