> Absolute Positioning
Absolute positioning is a way to position elements relative to the viewport.
This is useful when you want to position an element in a specific place,
regardless of the size of the viewport, or when you have scrolled.
To use absolute positioning, you need to set the position of the element to
absolute . Then, you can use the
top ,
bottom ,
left , and
right properties
to position the element.
> Background Gradient
Using a gradient as a background is a great way to offer some change from the common
solid color background. I use
CSS Gradient to generate
my gradients.
After you select your colors for your
, you can copy the CSS code and
paste it in your file. Very easy!
Looking at the code, can you tell how to
write your own gradient ?
> Background Image
As I already said, backgrounds are important! What if you want your title to be
displayed over a cool image? The
property is what you are probably looking for!
Find your favorite image and
copy the URL from right clicking the image
(if you are using a local image, you can use the path to the image).
Then, use the background-image property to set the image as the
background by putting the link in
url("link-here") .
background-image: url("https://www.example.com/image.jpg");
> Hover
A CSS classic that you can find on almost every website- the text for links
change color when you hover over them!
Write your CSS selector for the element you want to change as usual
(class/tag/id), and then add the
":hover" pseudo-class .
Then, write the CSS properties you want to change when the user hovers over the
element, which is usually color.
For example, if I want to change the color of
all links to red when the user hovers over them, I would write:
a:hover {
color: red;
Exactly like
this link that does nothing.
Can you make a link that does nothing? What do you think changed when you clicked on
the link? Hint: Look at the URL before and after
Note: This feature does not work on mobile devices!
> Text Decoration
Text decoration is a way to add some flair to your text. You can use it to add
underline ,
overline ,
line-through, and other styles to your text.
This is actually a
shorthand property for text-decoration-line,
text-decoration-color, text-decoration-style, text-decoration-thickness.
You can use a combination of the following options:
underline, overline, line-through (Type of line)
solid, double, dotted, wavy, dashed (Style of line)
You can also add the color and thickness you want the line to be.
For example, if I want a thick dashed underline to my text in red, I would write:
text-decoration: underline dashed red 5px;
Like this line!
> Border Radius
Border radius is a way to make the
rounded corners
for your element. As a person who loves soft features on my websites,
I use this a lot.
You can use the
border-radius property to set the
radius of the corners. You can set the radius of each corner individually, or you
can set the radius for all corners at once.
For example, if I wanted to make the corners of my element rounded, I would write:
border-radius: 10px;
Like this element!
Obviously in the above example, I also changed the color, background-color, and
padding of the element. Can you figure out how to do that?
Challenge: Can you change the border radius of an
element to make it into a circle? Hint: You need to fix/know the
height and width of the element.